Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Intro:

Hello, welcome to my blog! Let me introduce myself to you guys.

My name is Chia Zheng Bok, many of my close friends call me Bok, some call me Patrick. You can call me whatever you like. I'm from Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. I was born on June 14, 1997. I am currently studying in Houston, Texas, United States. I came here at the end of 2015.

My hobbies are gaming and sports. I love playing games and I play just about anything from Dota 2 to GTA V and many more. If you ever wanna game with me just drop me your Steam ID or whatever it is and we can play together. As for sports, I love playing basketball although people are always skeptical about that due to my height. I used to play soccer but not anymore. There are many other sports that I do not play but still interests me such as American football and tennis. I also like to read but I don't do it often nowadays.

My interests are mainly in E-sports, technology, and politics. I still try to keep an eye out on other issues to make sure I stay updated and in the loop. In this blog you will see that I will write on just about anything that comes to mind or just happens to interest me at that particular moment.

The reason I decided to give blogging another go is mainly for the money. I want my readers to know from the beginning that I'm doing this to earn some extra income. As I said, I'm an international student in another country and I'm not from a wealthy family. Every single penny matters. I hope every one of you appreciates this honesty and straightforwardness, which is also something I hope to maintain in this blog as I move forward. 

Although I'm writing to earn a little side income, this does not mean I will not be producing or at least attempt to produce quality material. I will always try to be as objective as possible and keep the bias in my articles at a minimum. If possible I'll also try to provide facts and evidence from reliable and trustworthy sources.

I appreciate and encourage interaction with my readers, especially request for articles on certain topics or issues. I also accept any and all criticism. This means good or bad, whatever you want to say to me or whatever opinion you want to express just go ahead and say it. I believe in free speech so don't let anything hold you back. If you find any mistakes or misinformation with my articles, please leave a comment or send me an email about it and I will correct it as soon as I can. 

Once again, I'd just like to reiterate that I'm blogging mainly to earn some extra money, but as readers you guys do not have to give anything, except for your time. I will not ask for donations or beg for money. All you need to do to support me is just try to frequent my blog, read my new entries when you have time. 

Thank you for reading, till next time!
